THE GLADYS GALA Thank you for attending! Please provide feedback on your experience below: 1. How would you rate your overall experience at the MSI Gladys Gala?Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedAverageGoodVery Satisfied2. What was the most memorable part of the evening for you?3. How would you rate the venue, atmosphere, and ambiance?Very PoorPoorNeutralGoodExcellent4. How would you rate the gala's organization and flow?Very PoorPoorNeutralGoodExcellent5. How would you rate the quality of food and beverages?Very PoorPoorAverageGoodExcellent6. How would you rate the quality of entertainment and activities (e.g. DJ, casino activities, pool tables, 360° photo booth, etc.)?Very PoorPoorAverageGoodExcellent7. Did you feel comfortable and welcome at the event?Not at AllSomewhatNeutralComfortableVery Comfortable8. What aspects of the event exceeded your expectations?9. What could have improved your experience?10. Do you have any suggestions for making next year's event event better?